Monday, July 25, 2011

Now This is How to a Release an Album!

I know it's been forever since I've updated this blog, I apologize. Fear not though, the lack of posts was not because my collection hasn't grown; rather it was due to a serious lack of motivation to do much. I've got some good things to share though, so expect a few updates in short succession.

Holy hell that's a lot of shit! At least that's the first thought that crossed my mind when I opened up the package. What you see above is the best example I can give as to why vinyl records have such an advantage over all other mediums. People that buy records are generally much more into the collecting aspect of music, otherwise they wouldn't be buying a dead format. As such, record labels put more thought and effort into a release on vinyl than on cd, or god forbid mp3! So what you get when you order Metalucifer's unashamedly  traditional style metal album, "Heavy Metal Bulldozer", from the great people at Nuclear War Now! Productions is a box full of all this shit:

Heavy Metal Bulldozer poster - just ridiculous enough to tempt me to put it on my wall
Heavy Metal Bulldozer sticker - no idea what I'd stick this on, but pretty cool I guess
Metalucifer "Live in Japan 2010" dvd - really cool performance at a small club somewhere in their native Japan
"Heavy Metal Bulldozer" Japanese version 2xLP

"Heavy Metal Bulldozer" English version 2xLP

Yes this is one release; 4 LPs, a DVD, a poster, and a sticker. If that's not fan service, I don't know what is. NWN has done a great job with this album, and I as a collector really appreciate it when a label puts this much effort into it's products. As for the album, it's a classic 1980's heavy metal album that just happened to come out in 2009. If you like Judas Priest, Riot, Angel Witch, Diamond Head, or Iron Maiden you'll like this. The music is on par with any of the big names from that era, and it's tongue in cheek which makes it that much more enjoyable. I mean how can you not love an album in which every song title begins with the words "Heavy Metal"?

P.S. The record itself is pretty interesting too, but that will have to wait for another post.